In this project, my task was to design the interior of a makers working place in an already existing structure.
Gunboatshed no. 3 is a protected building, built around 1820 on Holmen to store gunboats. My specific site was the most northern two ships in the shed, the other three are currently occupied by rowing clubs. Since beginning the project, my plan was to change as little about the shed as possible, since it is a protected building.
The unique location by the water and the colours that characterize the building is what intrigued me initially. I decided to work with sour beer as a craft and the brewer Ehren Schmidt as my maker. Brewing beer, especially sour beer, is not only a craft, it is a lot of science as well and very specific conditons are needed.
In my project I worked with creating a steel and glass climate screen inside the shed, and additionally creating bespoke steel and tile furniture.