As I visited Middelgrundsfortet for the first time, I was the only visitor there. It gave me a feeling of isolation, and walking around the island, I found both built elements and single objects left behind, almost abandoned. I saw this as part of the idiom of the island, and quickly started to think about how I could incorporate these objects as part of my project.
I was particularly interested in both the unused objects and spaces, that characterize the island. I thought these were crucial and important parts of my experience, and therefore the fort would not be same without them - for me. I decided to organize an archival exhibition, consisting of these objects, situated in the unused spaces connected to the tunnels. So the content of my archive consists of objects found around the island, recreated in ceramics.
To begin, I started mapping objects left behind on the island. In total, I found 22 objects relevant for my study and exhibition. The objects found outside, and exhibited inside, should create a connection between context and indoors. Working with recreating the found objects in clay has been very intuitive for me. I’m not very experienced in modeling in clay, but I found that my recreated objects did not need to be exact copies of their original. Due to the special situation during the pandemic, I turned to 3D modelling as well to present my project.